
Showing posts from November, 2019

Build bridges not walls

Before becoming President, Trump was a well-known businessman. During his Presidential campaign, he became even more famous. One of the reasons he became famous was for his notorious campaign Promises. His most famous promise perhaps was that the United States was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. This method of his was plain and simple, a campaign document read “It’s an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion”. He believed Mexico would just hand over the money like that because of their need for American money. After realizing how dumb of an idea this was, he is now looking at new ways to keep his promise. The wall should not be built for several reasons. In my opinion, I believe one reason the wall should not be built is because of the symbolic meaning behind it. To me the wall represents segregation, it is a message from the American government that the relationship between Mexico and the United States is a parasitic one. W...

Joking Around

I am writing this as a response to “ Trump the Joker ”. I remember when Trump first started his political campaigns. I remember thinking to myself “this dude is a clown, there is no way he has a chance”. Fast forward a little later and he became the main candidate for the Republican Party, won presidency and is now intending to serve a second term, hopefully the latter will not happen. It is very well known to us that Americans are either far right or far left and there is those few of us that are willing to have a civil discussion. A great example of being far right was this election, I didn’t have a problem with people voting Republican, I had a problem with people choosing Trump as the face of the Republican Party. Voting for Trump meant overlooking all the hateful things he has said, it was undivided loyalty to a political party regardless of outcome. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of...

The Dreamers

Our current President Donald Trump made some very interesting campaign promises, some good, some bad. Not only did he become more famous because of it, he also became more popular in the campaign raise.Amongst his campaign promises was building the wall and ending DACA. Like many of the promises he made, I thought these two were simply outrageous and comical. To my surprise, many people liked the promises and supported them. The wall should not be built plain and simple. But I am not here to talk about the wall, I am her to talk about DACA. Not Many people know about this program, DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It is a program that protects individuals who arrived to the states as kids and have lived here ever since. DACA grants a renewable temporary 2-year protection from deportation to these individuals. In the early days of September 2017 Trump chose to move forward with his promise and end the program, which was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sess...