The Dreamers

Our current President Donald Trump made some very interesting campaign promises, some good, some bad. Not only did he become more famous because of it, he also became more popular in the campaign raise.Amongst his campaign promises was building the wall and ending DACA.
Like many of the promises he made, I thought these two were simply outrageous and comical. To my surprise, many people liked the promises and supported them. The wall should not be built plain and simple. But I am not here to talk about the wall, I am her to talk about DACA. Not Many people know about this program, DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It is a program that protects individuals who arrived to the states as kids and have lived here ever since. DACA grants a renewable temporary 2-year protection from deportation to these individuals.
In the early days of September 2017 Trump chose to move forward with his promise and end the program, which was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. After a few blocks from judges, the Supreme court decided to hear the cases involving DACA and is planning to make a decision on the subject by June of 2020.
DACA should not be ended, for many valid reasons, one of the main reasons and probably the most important is the impact it has on the U.S. economy.  The fee to renew DACA is $495 every two years and there is roughly 800,000 DACA recipients. This would mean the U.S. Government is receiving $396,000,000 give or take every two years. DACA students also can not apply for FAFSA therefore we do not apply for federal aid. Meaning that school costs must be covered some other way.
Another reason is the humanitarian one. I am one of those 800,000 DACA recipients, like many I was brought here as a child and the United States is the only country I know. For some of us the language we are most proficient at is English Sending us back would be sending us to a foreign country, it would be the government turning their backs on Americans, good Americans.
For reasons like these, is not only why the program should stay, but it is also why the program should be turned into a path to citizenship. DACA recipients have not stopped proving that they’re valuable citizens, it has allowed 800,000 people to give back to this great nation.


  1. Hello Victor, I really love the topic you choose to do an editorial on, and I agree with both the reasons you stated why DACA should not be taken away. You included great arguments on why DACA should not be removed.

    Like you, I am one of the 800,000 DACA recipients. when I found out that Trump wants to end this program, it broke my heart into pieces. I’ve been in the US since I was five years old, and knowing that all my dad's hard work can be thrown away like nothing makes me really sad. Like you said, DACA recipients cannot apply for FAFSA, therefore most of us pay college out of pocket. In my case, I work and go to school to pay for my classes, it's hard but knowing what the outcome will be it makes me work harder. But if DACA is removed I will not be able to make my dreams come true and will not be able to help my family. The reason our parents brought us to the US was to have a “better” life than them and without DACA we won’t be able to. DACA is not given out for free, as Victor mentioned, to be able to renew its $495 every two years. I really hope that every Dreamer gets to have the life they deserved.


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