Love in America
On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court held in a 5–4 decision that the Fourteenth Amendment requires all states to grant same-sex marriages and recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states. Andrew Sullivan speaks about this very important decision made and how it has affected same-sex couples. I chose his post “ It Is Accomplished ” because I wanted to gain more information on the subject from someone who identifies as a conservative homosexual man. Sullivan begins his post by explaining to us the different legal hardships people have had to endure to legalize same-sex marriage. He describes that “For many years, it felt like one step forward, two steps back”. I would also like to remind us that homosexual people have had to endure much worse hardships than trying to legalize same-sex marriage, such as hate crimes and violence. One good example of this is the American Horror story show in which a homosexual woman is in an asylum just because of her sexual orientation, a...